// Name: Common.Common.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedCommon"; function execute() { var version = Sys.version; if (!version && !Sys._versionChecked) { Sys._versionChecked = true; throw new Error("AjaxControlToolkit requires ASP.NET Ajax 4.0 scripts. Ensure the correct version of the scripts are referenced. If you are using an ASP.NET ScriptManager, switch to the ToolkitScriptManager in AjaxControlToolkit.dll."); } Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide = function() { /// /// The BoxSide enumeration describes the sides of a DOM element /// /// /// /// /// } Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.prototype = { Top : 0, Right : 1, Bottom : 2, Left : 3 } Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide", false); Sys.Extended.UI._CommonToolkitScripts = function() { /// /// The _CommonToolkitScripts class contains functionality utilized across a number /// of controls (but not universally) /// /// /// You should not create new instances of _CommonToolkitScripts. Instead you should use the shared instance CommonToolkitScripts (or Sys.Extended.UI.CommonToolkitScripts). /// } Sys.Extended.UI._CommonToolkitScripts.prototype = { _borderStyleNames: ["borderTopStyle", "borderRightStyle", "borderBottomStyle", "borderLeftStyle"], _borderWidthNames: ["borderTopWidth", "borderRightWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "borderLeftWidth"], _paddingWidthNames: ["paddingTop", "paddingRight", "paddingBottom", "paddingLeft"], _marginWidthNames: ["marginTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "marginLeft"], getCurrentStyle: function(element, attribute, defaultValue) { /// /// CommonToolkitScripts.getCurrentStyle is used to compute the value of a style attribute on an /// element that is currently being displayed. This is especially useful for scenarios where /// several CSS classes and style attributes are merged, or when you need information about the /// size of an element (such as its padding or margins) that is not exposed in any other fashion. /// /// /// Live DOM element to check style of /// /// /// The style attribute's name is expected to be in a camel-cased form that you would use when /// accessing a JavaScript property instead of the hyphenated form you would use in a CSS /// stylesheet (i.e. it should be "backgroundColor" and not "background-color"). /// /// /// In the event of a problem (i.e. a null element or an attribute that cannot be found) we /// return this object (or null if none if not specified). /// /// /// Current style of the element's attribute /// var currentValue = null; if (element) { if (element.currentStyle) { currentValue = element.currentStyle[attribute]; } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { var style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); if (style) { currentValue = style[attribute]; } } if (!currentValue && element.style.getPropertyValue) { currentValue = element.style.getPropertyValue(attribute); } else if (!currentValue && element.style.getAttribute) { currentValue = element.style.getAttribute(attribute); } } if ((!currentValue || currentValue == "" || typeof (currentValue) === 'undefined')) { if (typeof (defaultValue) != 'undefined') { currentValue = defaultValue; } else { currentValue = null; } } return currentValue; }, getInheritedBackgroundColor: function(element) { /// /// CommonToolkitScripts.getInheritedBackgroundColor provides the ability to get the displayed /// background-color of an element. In most cases calling CommonToolkitScripts.getCurrentStyle /// won't do the job because it will return "transparent" unless the element has been given a /// specific background color. This function will walk up the element's parents until it finds /// a non-transparent color. If we get all the way to the top of the document or have any other /// problem finding a color, we will return the default value '#FFFFFF'. This function is /// especially important when we're using opacity in IE (because ClearType will make text look /// horrendous if you fade it with a transparent background color). /// /// /// Live DOM element to get the background color of /// /// /// Background color of the element /// if (!element) return '#FFFFFF'; var background = this.getCurrentStyle(element, 'backgroundColor'); try { while (!background || background == '' || background == 'transparent' || background == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') { element = element.parentNode; if (!element) { background = '#FFFFFF'; } else { background = this.getCurrentStyle(element, 'backgroundColor'); } } } catch (ex) { background = '#FFFFFF'; } return background; }, getLocation: function(element) { /// Gets the coordinates of a DOM element. /// /// /// A Point object with two fields, x and y, which contain the pixel coordinates of the element. /// return Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation(element); }, setLocation: function(element, point) { /// /// Sets the current location for an element. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Point object (of the form {x,y}) /// /// /// This method does not attempt to set the positioning mode of an element. /// The position is relative from the elements nearest position:relative or /// position:absolute element. /// Sys.UI.DomElement.setLocation(element, point.x, point.y); }, getContentSize: function(element) { /// /// Gets the "content-box" size of an element. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Size of the element (in the form {width,height}) /// /// /// The "content-box" is the size of the content area *inside* of the borders and /// padding of an element. The "content-box" size does not include the margins around /// the element. /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } var size = this.getSize(element); var borderBox = this.getBorderBox(element); var paddingBox = this.getPaddingBox(element); return { width: size.width - borderBox.horizontal - paddingBox.horizontal, height: size.height - borderBox.vertical - paddingBox.vertical } }, getSize: function(element) { /// /// Gets the "border-box" size of an element. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Size of the element (in the form {width,height}) /// /// /// The "border-box" is the size of the content area *outside* of the borders and /// padding of an element. The "border-box" size does not include the margins around /// the element. /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } return { width: element.offsetWidth, height: element.offsetHeight }; }, setContentSize: function(element, size) { /// /// Sets the "content-box" size of an element. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Size of the element (in the form {width,height}) /// /// /// The "content-box" is the size of the content area *inside* of the borders and /// padding of an element. The "content-box" size does not include the margins around /// the element. /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (!size) { throw Error.argumentNull('size'); } if (this.getCurrentStyle(element, 'MozBoxSizing') == 'border-box' || this.getCurrentStyle(element, 'BoxSizing') == 'border-box') { var borderBox = this.getBorderBox(element); var paddingBox = this.getPaddingBox(element); size = { width: size.width + borderBox.horizontal + paddingBox.horizontal, height: size.height + borderBox.vertical + paddingBox.vertical }; } element.style.width = size.width.toString() + 'px'; element.style.height = size.height.toString() + 'px'; }, setSize: function(element, size) { /// /// Sets the "border-box" size of an element. /// /// /// The "border-box" is the size of the content area *outside* of the borders and /// padding of an element. The "border-box" size does not include the margins around /// the element. /// /// DOM element /// Size of the element (in the form {width,height}) /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (!size) { throw Error.argumentNull('size'); } var borderBox = this.getBorderBox(element); var paddingBox = this.getPaddingBox(element); var contentSize = { width: size.width - borderBox.horizontal - paddingBox.horizontal, height: size.height - borderBox.vertical - paddingBox.vertical }; this.setContentSize(element, contentSize); }, getBounds: function(element) { /// Gets the coordinates, width and height of an element. /// /// /// A Bounds object with four fields, x, y, width and height, which contain the pixel coordinates, /// width and height of the element. /// return Sys.UI.DomElement.getBounds(element); }, setBounds: function(element, bounds) { /// /// Sets the "border-box" bounds of an element /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Bounds of the element (of the form {x,y,width,height}) /// /// /// The "border-box" is the size of the content area *outside* of the borders and /// padding of an element. The "border-box" size does not include the margins around /// the element. /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (!bounds) { throw Error.argumentNull('bounds'); } this.setSize(element, bounds); $common.setLocation(element, bounds); }, getClientBounds: function() { /// /// Gets the width and height of the browser client window (excluding scrollbars) /// /// /// Browser's client width and height /// var clientWidth; var clientHeight; if (document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat") { clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth; clientHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } return new Sys.UI.Bounds(0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight); }, getMarginBox: function(element) { /// /// Gets the entire margin box sizes. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Element's margin box sizes (of the form {top,left,bottom,right,horizontal,vertical}) /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } var box = { top: this.getMargin(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top), right: this.getMargin(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Right), bottom: this.getMargin(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Bottom), left: this.getMargin(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) }; box.horizontal = box.left + box.right; box.vertical = box.top + box.bottom; return box; }, getBorderBox: function(element) { /// /// Gets the entire border box sizes. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Element's border box sizes (of the form {top,left,bottom,right,horizontal,vertical}) /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } var box = { top: this.getBorderWidth(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top), right: this.getBorderWidth(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Right), bottom: this.getBorderWidth(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Bottom), left: this.getBorderWidth(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) }; box.horizontal = box.left + box.right; box.vertical = box.top + box.bottom; return box; }, getPaddingBox: function(element) { /// /// Gets the entire padding box sizes. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Element's padding box sizes (of the form {top,left,bottom,right,horizontal,vertical}) /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } var box = { top: this.getPadding(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top), right: this.getPadding(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Right), bottom: this.getPadding(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Bottom), left: this.getPadding(element, Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) }; box.horizontal = box.left + box.right; box.vertical = box.top + box.bottom; return box; }, isBorderVisible: function(element, boxSide) { /// /// Gets whether the current border style for an element on a specific boxSide is not 'none'. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Side of the element /// /// /// Whether the current border style for an element on a specific boxSide is not 'none'. /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (boxSide < Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top || boxSide > Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) { throw Error.argumentOutOfRange(String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, boxSide, 'Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide')); } var styleName = this._borderStyleNames[boxSide]; var styleValue = this.getCurrentStyle(element, styleName); return styleValue != "none"; }, getMargin: function(element, boxSide) { /// /// Gets the margin thickness of an element on a specific boxSide. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Side of the element /// /// /// Margin thickness on the element's specified side /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (boxSide < Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top || boxSide > Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) { throw Error.argumentOutOfRange(String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, boxSide, 'Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide')); } var styleName = this._marginWidthNames[boxSide]; var styleValue = this.getCurrentStyle(element, styleName); try { return this.parsePadding(styleValue); } catch (ex) { return 0; } }, getBorderWidth: function(element, boxSide) { /// /// Gets the border thickness of an element on a specific boxSide. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Side of the element /// /// /// Border thickness on the element's specified side /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (boxSide < Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top || boxSide > Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) { throw Error.argumentOutOfRange(String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, boxSide, 'Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide')); } if (!this.isBorderVisible(element, boxSide)) { return 0; } var styleName = this._borderWidthNames[boxSide]; var styleValue = this.getCurrentStyle(element, styleName); return this.parseBorderWidth(styleValue); }, getPadding: function(element, boxSide) { /// /// Gets the padding thickness of an element on a specific boxSide. /// /// /// DOM element /// /// /// Side of the element /// /// /// Padding on the element's specified side /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (boxSide < Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Top || boxSide > Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide.Left) { throw Error.argumentOutOfRange(String.format(Sys.Res.enumInvalidValue, boxSide, 'Sys.Extended.UI.BoxSide')); } var styleName = this._paddingWidthNames[boxSide]; var styleValue = this.getCurrentStyle(element, styleName); return this.parsePadding(styleValue); }, parseBorderWidth: function(borderWidth) { /// /// Parses a border-width string into a pixel size /// /// /// Type of border ('thin','medium','thick','inherit',px unit,null,'') /// /// /// Number of pixels in the border-width /// if (!this._borderThicknesses) { var borderThicknesses = {}; var div0 = document.createElement('div'); div0.style.visibility = 'hidden'; div0.style.position = 'absolute'; div0.style.fontSize = '1px'; document.body.appendChild(div0) var div1 = document.createElement('div'); div1.style.height = '0px'; div1.style.overflow = 'hidden'; div0.appendChild(div1); var base = div0.offsetHeight; div1.style.borderTop = 'solid black'; div1.style.borderTopWidth = 'thin'; borderThicknesses['thin'] = div0.offsetHeight - base; div1.style.borderTopWidth = 'medium'; borderThicknesses['medium'] = div0.offsetHeight - base; div1.style.borderTopWidth = 'thick'; borderThicknesses['thick'] = div0.offsetHeight - base; div0.removeChild(div1); document.body.removeChild(div0); this._borderThicknesses = borderThicknesses; } if (borderWidth) { switch (borderWidth) { case 'thin': case 'medium': case 'thick': return this._borderThicknesses[borderWidth]; case 'inherit': return 0; } var unit = this.parseUnit(borderWidth); Sys.Debug.assert(unit.type == 'px', String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.Common_InvalidBorderWidthUnit, unit.type)); return unit.size; } return 0; }, parsePadding: function(padding) { /// /// Parses a padding string into a pixel size /// /// /// Padding to parse ('inherit',px unit,null,'') /// /// /// Number of pixels in the padding /// if (padding) { if (padding == 'inherit') { return 0; } var unit = this.parseUnit(padding); if (unit.type !== 'px') { Sys.Debug.fail(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.Common_InvalidPaddingUnit, unit.type)); } return unit.size; } return 0; }, parseUnit: function(value) { /// /// Parses a unit string into a unit object /// /// /// Value to parse (of the form px unit,% unit,em unit,...) /// /// /// Parsed unit (of the form {size,type}) /// if (!value) { throw Error.argumentNull('value'); } value = value.trim().toLowerCase(); var l = value.length; var s = -1; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var ch = value.substr(i, 1); if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-' && ch != '.' && ch != ',') { break; } s = i; } if (s == -1) { throw Error.create(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.Common_UnitHasNoDigits); } var type; var size; if (s < (l - 1)) { type = value.substring(s + 1).trim(); } else { type = 'px'; } size = parseFloat(value.substr(0, s + 1)); if (type == 'px') { size = Math.floor(size); } return { size: size, type: type }; }, getElementOpacity: function(element) { /// /// Get the element's opacity /// /// /// Element /// /// /// Opacity of the element /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } var hasOpacity = false; var opacity; if (element.filters) { var filters = element.filters; if (filters.length !== 0) { var alphaFilter = filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha']; if (alphaFilter) { opacity = alphaFilter.opacity / 100.0; hasOpacity = true; } } } else { opacity = this.getCurrentStyle(element, 'opacity', 1); hasOpacity = true; } if (hasOpacity === false) { return 1.0; } return parseFloat(opacity); }, setElementOpacity: function(element, value) { /// /// Set the element's opacity /// /// /// Element /// /// /// Opacity of the element /// if (!element) { throw Error.argumentNull('element'); } if (element.filters) { var filters = element.filters; var createFilter = true; if (filters.length !== 0) { var alphaFilter = filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha']; if (alphaFilter) { createFilter = false; alphaFilter.opacity = value * 100; } } if (createFilter) { element.style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')'; } } else { element.style.opacity = value; } }, getVisible: function(element) { /// /// Check if an element is visible /// /// /// Element /// /// /// True if the element is visible, false otherwise /// return (element && ("none" != $common.getCurrentStyle(element, "display")) && ("hidden" != $common.getCurrentStyle(element, "visibility"))); }, setVisible: function(element, value) { /// /// Check if an element is visible /// /// /// Element /// /// /// True to make the element visible, false to hide it /// if (element && value != $common.getVisible(element)) { if (value) { if (element.style.removeAttribute) { element.style.removeAttribute("display"); } else { element.style.removeProperty("display"); } } else { element.style.display = 'none'; } element.style.visibility = value ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } }, resolveFunction: function(value) { /// /// Returns a function reference that corresponds to the provided value /// /// /// The value can either be a Function, the name of a function (that can be found using window['name']), /// or an expression that evaluates to a function. /// /// /// Reference to the function, or null if not found /// if (value) { if (value instanceof Function) { return value; } else if (String.isInstanceOfType(value) && value.length > 0) { var func; if ((func = window[value]) instanceof Function) { return func; } else if ((func = eval(value)) instanceof Function) { return func; } } } return null; }, addCssClasses: function(element, classNames) { /// /// Adds multiple css classes to a DomElement /// /// The element to modify /// The class names to add for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(element, classNames[i]); } }, removeCssClasses: function(element, classNames) { /// /// Removes multiple css classes to a DomElement /// /// The element to modify /// The class names to remove for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(element, classNames[i]); } }, setStyle: function(element, style) { /// /// Sets the style of the element using the supplied style template object /// /// The element to modify /// The template $common.applyProperties(element.style, style); }, removeHandlers: function(element, events) { /// /// Removes a set of event handlers from an element /// /// The element to modify /// The template object that contains event names and delegates /// /// This is NOT the same as $clearHandlers which removes all delegates from a DomElement. This rather removes select delegates /// from a specified element and has a matching signature as $addHandlers /// for (var name in events) { $removeHandler(element, name, events[name]); } }, overlaps: function(r1, r2) { /// /// Determine if two rectangles overlap /// /// /// Rectangle /// /// /// Rectangle /// /// /// True if the rectangles overlap, false otherwise /// return r1.x < (r2.x + r2.width) && r2.x < (r1.x + r1.width) && r1.y < (r2.y + r2.height) && r2.y < (r1.y + r1.height); }, containsPoint: function(rect, x, y) { /// /// Tests whether a point (x,y) is contained within a rectangle /// /// The rectangle /// The x coordinate of the point /// The y coordinate of the point return x >= rect.x && x < (rect.x + rect.width) && y >= rect.y && y < (rect.y + rect.height); }, isKeyDigit: function(keyCode) { /// /// Gets whether the supplied key-code is a digit /// /// The key code of the event (from Sys.UI.DomEvent) /// return (0x30 <= keyCode && keyCode <= 0x39); }, isKeyNavigation: function(keyCode) { /// /// Gets whether the supplied key-code is a navigation key /// /// The key code of the event (from Sys.UI.DomEvent) /// return (Sys.UI.Key.left <= keyCode && keyCode <= Sys.UI.Key.down); }, padLeft: function(text, size, ch, truncate) { /// /// Pads the left hand side of the supplied text with the specified pad character up to the requested size /// /// The text to pad /// The size to pad the text (default is 2) /// The single character to use as the pad character (default is ' ') /// Whether to truncate the text to size (default is false) return $common._pad(text, size || 2, ch || ' ', 'l', truncate || false); }, padRight: function(text, size, ch, truncate) { /// /// Pads the right hand side of the supplied text with the specified pad character up to the requested size /// /// The text to pad /// The size to pad the text (default is 2) /// The single character to use as the pad character (default is ' ') /// Whether to truncate the text to size (default is false) return $common._pad(text, size || 2, ch || ' ', 'r', truncate || false); }, _pad: function(text, size, ch, side, truncate) { /// /// Pads supplied text with the specified pad character up to the requested size /// /// The text to pad /// The size to pad the text /// The single character to use as the pad character /// Either 'l' or 'r' to siginfy whether to pad the Left or Right side respectively /// Whether to truncate the text to size text = text.toString(); var length = text.length; var builder = new Sys.StringBuilder(); if (side == 'r') { builder.append(text); } while (length < size) { builder.append(ch); length++; } if (side == 'l') { builder.append(text); } var result = builder.toString(); if (truncate && result.length > size) { if (side == 'l') { result = result.substr(result.length - size, size); } else { result = result.substr(0, size); } } return result; }, __DOMEvents: { focusin: { eventGroup: "UIEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initUIEvent("focusin", true, false, window, 1); } }, focusout: { eventGroup: "UIEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initUIEvent("focusout", true, false, window, 1); } }, activate: { eventGroup: "UIEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initUIEvent("activate", true, true, window, 1); } }, focus: { eventGroup: "UIEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initUIEvent("focus", false, false, window, 1); } }, blur: { eventGroup: "UIEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initUIEvent("blur", false, false, window, 1); } }, click: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, dblclick: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 2, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, mousedown: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("mousedown", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, mouseup: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("mouseup", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, mouseover: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("mouseover", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, mousemove: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("mousemove", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, mouseout: { eventGroup: "MouseEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initMouseEvent("mousemove", true, true, window, 1, p.screenX || 0, p.screenY || 0, p.clientX || 0, p.clientY || 0, p.ctrlKey || false, p.altKey || false, p.shiftKey || false, p.metaKey || false, p.button || 0, p.relatedTarget || null); } }, load: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("load", false, false); } }, unload: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("unload", false, false); } }, select: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("select", true, false); } }, change: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("change", true, false); } }, submit: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("submit", true, true); } }, reset: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("reset", true, false); } }, resize: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("resize", true, false); } }, scroll: { eventGroup: "HTMLEvents", init: function(e, p) { e.initEvent("scroll", true, false); } } }, tryFireRawEvent: function(element, rawEvent) { /// /// Attempts to fire a raw DOM event on an element /// /// The element to fire the event /// The raw DOM event object to fire. Must not be Sys.UI.DomEvent /// True if the event was successfully fired, otherwise false try { if (element.fireEvent) { element.fireEvent("on" + rawEvent.type, rawEvent); return true; } else if (element.dispatchEvent) { element.dispatchEvent(rawEvent); return true; } } catch (e) { } return false; }, tryFireEvent: function(element, eventName, properties) { /// /// Attempts to fire a DOM event on an element /// /// The element to fire the event /// The name of the event to fire (without an 'on' prefix) /// Properties to add to the event /// True if the event was successfully fired, otherwise false try { if (document.createEventObject) { var e = document.createEventObject(); $common.applyProperties(e, properties || {}); element.fireEvent("on" + eventName, e); return true; } else if (document.createEvent) { var def = $common.__DOMEvents[eventName]; if (def) { var e = document.createEvent(def.eventGroup); def.init(e, properties || {}); element.dispatchEvent(e); return true; } } } catch (e) { } return false; }, wrapElement: function(innerElement, newOuterElement, newInnerParentElement) { /// /// Wraps an inner element with a new outer element at the same DOM location as the inner element /// /// The element to be wrapped /// The new parent for the element /// var parent = innerElement.parentNode; parent.replaceChild(newOuterElement, innerElement); (newInnerParentElement || newOuterElement).appendChild(innerElement); }, unwrapElement: function(innerElement, oldOuterElement) { /// /// Unwraps an inner element from an outer element at the same DOM location as the outer element /// /// The element to be wrapped /// The new parent for the element /// var parent = oldOuterElement.parentNode; if (parent != null) { $common.removeElement(innerElement); parent.replaceChild(innerElement, oldOuterElement); } }, removeElement: function(element) { /// /// Removes an element from the DOM tree /// /// The element to be removed /// var parent = element.parentNode; if (parent != null) { parent.removeChild(element); } }, applyProperties: function(target, properties) { /// /// Quick utility method to copy properties from a template object to a target object /// /// The object to apply to /// The template to copy values from for (var p in properties) { var pv = properties[p]; if (pv != null && Object.getType(pv) === Object) { var tv = target[p]; $common.applyProperties(tv, pv); } else { target[p] = pv; } } }, createElementFromTemplate: function(template, appendToParent, nameTable) { /// /// Creates an element for the current document based on a template object /// /// The template from which to create the element /// A DomElement under which to append this element /// An object to use as the storage for the element using template.name as the key /// /// /// This method is useful if you find yourself using the same or similar DomElement constructions throughout a class. You can even set the templates /// as static properties for a type to cut down on overhead. This method is often called with a JSON style template: /// /// var elt = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ /// nodeName : "div", /// properties : { /// style : { /// height : "100px", /// width : "100px", /// backgroundColor : "white" /// }, /// expandoAttribute : "foo" /// }, /// events : { /// click : function() { alert("foo"); }, /// mouseover : function() { elt.backgroundColor = "silver"; }, /// mouseout : function() { elt.backgroundColor = "white"; } /// }, /// cssClasses : [ "class0", "class1" ], /// visible : true, /// opacity : .5 /// }, someParent); /// /// if (typeof (template.nameTable) != 'undefined') { var newNameTable = template.nameTable; if (String.isInstanceOfType(newNameTable)) { newNameTable = nameTable[newNameTable]; } if (newNameTable != null) { nameTable = newNameTable; } } var elementName = null; if (typeof (template.name) !== 'undefined') { elementName = template.name; } var elt = document.createElement(template.nodeName); if (typeof (template.name) !== 'undefined' && nameTable) { nameTable[template.name] = elt; } if (typeof (template.parent) !== 'undefined' && appendToParent == null) { var newParent = template.parent; if (String.isInstanceOfType(newParent)) { newParent = nameTable[newParent]; } if (newParent != null) { appendToParent = newParent; } } if (typeof (template.properties) !== 'undefined' && template.properties != null) { $common.applyProperties(elt, template.properties); } if (typeof (template.cssClasses) !== 'undefined' && template.cssClasses != null) { $common.addCssClasses(elt, template.cssClasses); } if (typeof (template.events) !== 'undefined' && template.events != null) { $addHandlers(elt, template.events); } if (typeof (template.visible) !== 'undefined' && template.visible != null) { this.setVisible(elt, template.visible); } if (appendToParent) { appendToParent.appendChild(elt); } if (typeof (template.opacity) !== 'undefined' && template.opacity != null) { $common.setElementOpacity(elt, template.opacity); } if (typeof (template.children) !== 'undefined' && template.children != null) { for (var i = 0; i < template.children.length; i++) { var subtemplate = template.children[i]; $common.createElementFromTemplate(subtemplate, elt, nameTable); } } var contentPresenter = elt; if (typeof (template.contentPresenter) !== 'undefined' && template.contentPresenter != null) { contentPresenter = nameTable[contentPresenter]; } if (typeof (template.content) !== 'undefined' && template.content != null) { var content = template.content; if (String.isInstanceOfType(content)) { content = nameTable[content]; } if (content.parentNode) { $common.wrapElement(content, elt, contentPresenter); } else { contentPresenter.appendChild(content); } } return elt; }, prepareHiddenElementForATDeviceUpdate: function() { /// /// JAWS, an Assistive Technology device responds to updates to form elements /// and refreshes its document buffer to what is showing live /// in the browser. To ensure that Toolkit controls that make XmlHttpRequests to /// retrieve content are useful to users with visual disabilities, we update a /// hidden form element to ensure that JAWS conveys what is in /// the browser. See this article for more details: /// http://juicystudio.com/article/improving-ajax-applications-for-jaws-users.php /// This method creates a hidden input on the screen for any page that uses a Toolkit /// control that will perform an XmlHttpRequest. /// var objHidden = document.getElementById('hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts'); if (!objHidden) { var objHidden = document.createElement('input'); objHidden.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); objHidden.setAttribute('value', '1'); objHidden.setAttribute('id', 'hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts'); objHidden.setAttribute('name', 'hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts'); if (document.forms[0]) { document.forms[0].appendChild(objHidden); } } }, updateFormToRefreshATDeviceBuffer: function() { /// /// Updates the hidden buffer to ensure that the latest document stream is picked up /// by the screen reader. /// var objHidden = document.getElementById('hiddenInputToUpdateATBuffer_CommonToolkitScripts'); if (objHidden) { if (objHidden.getAttribute('value') == '1') { objHidden.setAttribute('value', '0'); } else { objHidden.setAttribute('value', '1'); } } }, appendElementToFormOrBody: function(element) { /// /// Tries to append an element to the current form. If no form exists, the element will be appended to the body element. /// /// The element to append. if (document.forms && document.forms[0]) { document.forms[0].appendChild(element); } else { document.body.appendChild(element); } }, setText: function (element, text) { if (document.all) element.innerText = text; else element.textContent = text; } } CommonToolkitScripts = Sys.Extended.UI.CommonToolkitScripts = new Sys.Extended.UI._CommonToolkitScripts(); $common = CommonToolkitScripts; Sys.UI.DomElement.getVisible = $common.getVisible; Sys.UI.DomElement.setVisible = $common.setVisible; Sys.UI.Control.overlaps = $common.overlaps; Sys.Extended.UI._DomUtility = function() { /// /// Utility functions for manipulating the DOM /// } Sys.Extended.UI._DomUtility.prototype = { isDescendant : function(ancestor, descendant) { /// /// Whether the specified element is a descendant of the ancestor /// /// Ancestor node /// Possible descendant node /// for (var n = descendant.parentNode; n != null; n = n.parentNode) { if (n == ancestor) return true; } return false; }, isDescendantOrSelf : function(ancestor, descendant) { /// /// Whether the specified element is a descendant of the ancestor or the same as the ancestor /// /// Ancestor node /// Possible descendant node /// if (ancestor === descendant) return true; return Sys.Extended.UI.DomUtility.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant); }, isAncestor : function(descendant, ancestor) { /// /// Whether the specified element is an ancestor of the descendant /// /// Descendant node /// Possible ancestor node /// return Sys.Extended.UI.DomUtility.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant); }, isAncestorOrSelf : function(descendant, ancestor) { /// /// Whether the specified element is an ancestor of the descendant or the same as the descendant /// /// Descendant node /// Possible ancestor node /// if (descendant === ancestor) return true; return Sys.Extended.UI.DomUtility.isDescendant(ancestor, descendant); }, isSibling : function(self, sibling) { /// /// Whether the specified element is a sibling of the self element /// /// Self node /// Possible sibling node /// var parent = self.parentNode; for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) { if (parent.childNodes[i] == sibling) return true; } return false; } } Sys.Extended.UI._DomUtility.registerClass("Sys.Extended.UI._DomUtility"); Sys.Extended.UI.DomUtility = new Sys.Extended.UI._DomUtility(); Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper = function(element) { /// /// Class that wraps a TextBox (INPUT type="text") to abstract-out the /// presence of a watermark (which may be visible to the user but which /// should never be read by script. /// /// /// The DOM element the behavior is associated with /// Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._current = element.value; this._watermark = null; this._isWatermarked = false; } Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.prototype = { dispose : function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// this.get_element().TextBoxWrapper = null; Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, get_Current : function() { /// /// Current value actually in the TextBox (i.e., TextBox.value) /// this._current = this.get_element().value; return this._current; }, set_Current : function(value) { this._current = value; this._updateElement(); }, get_Value : function() { /// /// Conceptual "value" of the TextBox - its contents if no watermark is present /// or "" if one is /// if (this.get_IsWatermarked()) { return ""; } else { return this.get_Current(); } }, set_Value : function(text) { this.set_Current(text); if (!text || (0 == text.length)) { if (null != this._watermark) { this.set_IsWatermarked(true); } } else { this.set_IsWatermarked(false); } }, get_Watermark : function() { /// /// Text of the watermark for the TextBox /// return this._watermark; }, set_Watermark : function(value) { this._watermark = value; this._updateElement(); }, get_IsWatermarked : function() { /// /// true iff the TextBox is watermarked /// return this._isWatermarked; }, set_IsWatermarked : function(isWatermarked) { if (this._isWatermarked != isWatermarked) { this._isWatermarked = isWatermarked; this._updateElement(); this._raiseWatermarkChanged(); } }, _updateElement : function() { /// /// Updates the actual contents of the TextBox according to what should be there /// var element = this.get_element(); if (this._isWatermarked) { if (element.value != this._watermark) { element.value = this._watermark; } } else { if (element.value != this._current) { element.value = this._current; } } }, add_WatermarkChanged : function(handler) { /// /// Adds a handler for the WatermarkChanged event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler("WatermarkChanged", handler); }, remove_WatermarkChanged : function(handler) { /// /// Removes a handler for the WatermarkChanged event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler("WatermarkChanged", handler); }, _raiseWatermarkChanged : function() { /// /// Raises the WatermarkChanged event /// var onWatermarkChangedHandler = this.get_events().getHandler("WatermarkChanged"); if (onWatermarkChangedHandler) { onWatermarkChangedHandler(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.get_Wrapper = function(element) { /// /// Gets (creating one if necessary) the TextBoxWrapper for the specified TextBox /// /// /// TextBox for which to get the wrapper /// /// /// TextBoxWrapper instance /// if (null == element.TextBoxWrapper) { element.TextBoxWrapper = new Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper(element); } return element.TextBoxWrapper; } Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper', Sys.UI.Behavior); Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.validatorGetValue = function(id) { /// /// Wrapper for ASP.NET's validatorGetValue to return the value from the wrapper if present /// /// /// id of the element /// /// /// Value from the wrapper or result of original ValidatorGetValue /// var control = $get(id); if (control && control.TextBoxWrapper) { return control.TextBoxWrapper.get_Value(); } return Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper._originalValidatorGetValue(id); } if (typeof(ValidatorGetValue) == 'function') { Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper._originalValidatorGetValue = ValidatorGetValue; ValidatorGetValue = Sys.Extended.UI.TextBoxWrapper.validatorGetValue; } if (Sys.CultureInfo && Sys.CultureInfo.prototype._getAbbrMonthIndex) { Sys.CultureInfo.prototype._getAbbrMonthIndex = function(value) { if (!this._upperAbbrMonths) { this._upperAbbrMonths = this._toUpperArray(this.dateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames); } return Array.indexOf(this._upperAbbrMonths, this._toUpper(value)); } Sys.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture._getAbbrMonthIndex = Sys.CultureInfo.prototype._getAbbrMonthIndex; Sys.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture._getAbbrMonthIndex = Sys.CultureInfo.prototype._getAbbrMonthIndex; } Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars = function () { throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.prototype = { None: 0x00, Horizontal: 0x01, Vertical: 0x02, Both: 0x03, Auto: 0x04 } Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars", false); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ComponentModel"], execute); } else { execute(); } })(); var $common, CommonToolkitScripts;